The Ultimate DNA Activation Course

Awaken the Ancient Cosmic Wisdom Encoded in Your DNA

Designed exclusively for Spiritual Leaders, The Lightwave Accelerated DNA Activation Course, unlocks the ancient wisdom encoded within the human biological genome (your DNA!) allowing Healers, Starseeds and Lightworkers to tap into higher realms of consciousness, use their galactic-level abilities and fulfill their sacred purpose with unwavering clarity and confidence.

This is the shift into humanity's next phase of evolution!

Imagine tapping into the dormant powers hidden within your DNA!

This power can amplify your existing spiritual abilities, activate your galactic abilities, deepen your connection with Source and the limitless possibilities within the quantum field, accelerating your progression toward impactful leadership.

This course is a portal to unlocking these profound abilities.

The DNA Activation Accelerator Course is led by Carlene Saelg, a powerful galactic shaman who continues to witness unprecedented transformations with clients and students from across the globe.

The Ultimate DNA Activation Course

Awaken the Ancient Cosmic Wisdom Encoded in Your DNA

Designed exclusively for Spiritual Leaders, The Lightwave Accelerated DNA Activation Course, unlocks the ancient wisdom encoded within the human biological blueprint allowing Healers, Starseeds and Lightworkers to tap into higher realms of consciousness and fulfill their sacred purpose with unwavering clarity and confidence.

This is the shift into humanity's next phase of evolution!

Imagine tapping into the dormant powers hidden within your DNA!

This power can amplify your existing spiritual abilities, activate your galactic abilities, deepen your connection with Source and the limitless possibilities within the quantum field, accelerating your progression toward impactful leadership.

This course is a portal to unlocking these profound abilities.

The DNA Activation Accelerator Course is led by Carlene Saelg, a powerful galactic shaman who continues to witness unprecedented transformations with clients and students from across the globe.

This course is for you if ...

You want to deliver your soul's mission with impact utilizing your fully activated 12-strand DNA structure.

You want to increase your capacity to lead, support and hold space for larger groups of awakening souls.

You want to accelerate your DNA activations using galactic technology and

hasten the path to next-level spiritual leadership.

Do you want to switch on your Galactic Human abilities like telepathy, telekinesis, bi-location, astral travel, astral projection, levitation and scalar healing?

Imagine what you can do BEYOND the full spectrum of clair abilities?

Do you resonate with any of the above?

Then this course is for you

In just 90 days, you'll receive everything you need to become a fully activated galactic human and to move into soul-aligned, next-level spiritual leadership!


What you get ...

Lifetime Access to LIGHTWAVE MASTERY DNA ACTIVATIONS Course Just $1997

LEVEL ONE: Foundations of DNA Activation

In this level you will understand how your DNA influences your spiritual path

  • Introduction to becoming a galactic human

  • Open cosmic portals and preparing for DNA activations

  • Access the new cosmic technology to initiate DNA activations

  • Activate the biological blueprint for the new galactic human

  • How to become multidimensional and exercise spiritual integrity

LEVEL TWO: Unlocking Your Galactic Potential

It's time to breathe life into your activations! In this level, you'll unlock your galactic potential and master your upgraded abilities. Learn to create, manifest and travel between the dimensions.

  • Gain initiation to a galactic level frequency protocol for healing

  • Learn how to regroup and remember the original 12-strand DNA structure

  • Uplevel the integration and embodiment of the new human biology

LEVEL THREE: Frequency and Harmonics

Once you have completed levels one and two you'll enter the last phase of accelerated DNA activations which further enables unwavering confidence and impact for you, the spiritual leader.

  • Discover the cosmic connection between light, sound, vibration and water

  • Access level three accelerated activation of your own personal Merkabah for multidimensional experiences, regeneration and restoration of the complete 3 body system

  • Meet your star family and galactic guide and experience transformative assistance in life, love and leadership

  • Utilize techniques that further encourage integration and embodiment of the upgraded biological blueprint

Bonus: Advanced Practices for Spiritual Leaders

You'll harness cutting-edge DNA activation techniques to elevate your impact, guide others on their awakening journey, and lead with authenticity in today's modern spiritual landscape

  • Apply these teachings to modern-day spiritual leadership

  • Elevate your spiritual leadership with advanced DNA activation techniques

  • Amplify your impact as you guide others on their path to awakening

BONUS: Telegram Community

One of the most beautiful aspects of completing the Lightwave Mastery Course is receiving access to the Telegram Community chat thread, where like-minded "friends" form a treasured community for connection, communication and collaboration. Ninety days of magical community building!

Lifetime Access to Lightwave Mastery DNA Activations Course Just $1997

"Hello, So Nice To Meet You!"

Carlene Saelg is a renowned Galactic Shaman and Lightwave Energy Master on a mission to expand others into their divine potential through the power of energy and consciousness. Her clients and students walk away a higher version of themselves, every time.

Carlene's 24-year journey into energy healing began when she experienced a profound spiritual awakening that led to where she is today.

As a Galactic Shaman, Carlene works with higher dimensional beings and ancient earth wisdom to release old patterns and limiting beliefs in order to connect seekers with their divine purpose and then unlock their original potential and accelerate their evolution into becoming an impactful and influential Galactic Human.

As a Lightwave Energy Master, Carlene has the ability to access high-frequency energy that can activate a client’s dormant biological blueprint. She uses this to facilitate deep transformation which allows new levels of healing and awareness. The limitlessness which is the foundation of our spiritual truth is accessible to everyone through this process.

What does this mean? Her clients move through life with greater ease and grace. They access new levels of understanding, leadership and impact. Plus they uplevel to a greater frequency to finally utilize their innate inner power.

Carlene has shared her gifts with people from around the world, and has facilitated workshops, retreats, and private sessions for individuals, groups, and organizations. Her compassionate, intuitive, and heart-centered approach has helped countless people find healing, clarity, and purpose in their lives.

Join Me Inside

Lightwave Mastery DNA Activations Course

An Investment In Yourself And Your Human Evolution

Lifetime Access to Lightwave Mastery DNA Activations Course Just $1997

Testimonials From Past Participants

"Unlock your full potential"

"Our gifts can operate on higher levels"

"The world needs this medicine"

"I love the DNA activations"

"I was in a magical flow of connection"

"Blows my mind"

Lightwave DNA Activation Accelerator is the pathway to intentionally accelerate next-level leadership and spiritual evolution into the galactic human you are destined to be by activating your original DNA blueprint.

Overcoming Obstacles: Your Path to Unleashed Potential

We understand the challenges spiritual leaders face in today's world:

What if I'm feeling disconnected from myself or from Source?

With this course you'll learn how to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom, modern spirituality and your galactic heritage, lessening the time it takes to move through resistance and harmonize your frequency for divine flow, support and impact. Lifetime access ensures you move at your own pace.


There have been times when I've felt stuck in my practice. If I'm currently stuck, is this course still a good fit?

Yes. Each level of the course helps to break through plateaus, restrictions and barriers with the assistance of our powerful DNA activation techniques. The biological blueprint and foundational structures of our DNA are positively impacted and upgraded, this alone has the ability to help move through feelings of "stuck-ness".


I don't define myself as a spiritual leader but I am seeking deeper purpose, is this still for me?

Spiritual leaders, healers, lightworkers, starseeds, psychics, mediums and astrologers are just some of the students that have taken Lightwave Mastery Activations course. If you feel called to join us, it's likely your intuition guiding you toward your deeper spiritual purpose at this moment.


I'm skeptical. I thought activations, upgrades and downloads happen naturally, how is this course different?

Exercising discernment is a paramount skill. There are always several paths to choose from on our journey, remaining open to learning at all stages of our evolution ensures the progression of our enlightenment. This course and the off-world technology used for DNA activations is an accelerated path in our evolution to becoming galactic humans and next-level spiritual leaders. The time is now for leaders, healers and starseeds to assist in the mass awakening of humankind. This technology is an acceleration tool. Everything you need is always inside of you. If you're ready for accelerated activations, this is for you.


Are You Ready to Transform Your Spiritual Practice?

This course is not just an accelerated activation journey; it's an invitation to step into your power as a spiritual leader. With the guidance of your respected galactic shaman, you'll unlock the secrets of your DNA, connect with ancient wisdom, and lead your community with new-found clarity and purpose.

Lifetime Access to Lightwave Mastery DNA Activations Course Just $1997

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all course modules listed on this page?

No. There are 27 modules spread out between three levels of content. The descriptions on this page are a sampling of what is included.


Do I receive lifetime access to the course content?

YES! Absolutely. You'll receive login details immediately after registering for the course and you'll have lifetime access plus any upgraded content that gets added in the future.

Are there any live calls with the course?

While this course does not offer live calls, we do offer email support for any questions or feedback. Simply email us at [email protected]

Is there a money back guarantee?

YES. I'm beyond confident in the transformative experience of the accelerated activations that I'm giving a 7 Day Money Back Guarantee! Seven days provides ample time to test drive the course. If you're unsatisfied simply email us at [email protected] before the seven days has expired for a full refund. Beyond the seven days there is no refund.

Do I have access to a community of other Lightwave Mastery students?

Yes. After registration you'll be provided with our Community Telegram Link to join our chat thread. We have a vibrant and engaged community and can't wait to have you join us.

Is there an opportunity to receive the DNA activations with you in a private setting?

I occasionally open spots for private DNA activations. If you'd like to explore this option email me at [email protected] I will send you an application and price for private access.

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© 2024 Lightwave Mastery. All Rights Reserved.